The NSW bus industry has received a first-hand look at some of the innovative projects being carried out by Transport for NSW to streamline bus safety at the annual BusNSW conference held recently.
Transport for NSW executive director of compliance and regulatory services Melinda Bailey addressed more than 270 bus operators and delegates on 19 July in Leura.
Mrs Bailey highlighted some of the red tape busting projects being delivered including streamlining driver medical assessments, requiring just one check-up for both driver’s licence and a bus driver authority, the online bus driver authority application pilot and the soon to be released digital licence.
“These projects are about making it easier and cheaper for bus operators to do business with Transport for NSW,” Mrs Bailey said.
Mrs Bailey also presented insights and trends identified in data including the number of registered buses, driver authorities, driver age and compliance information as well speaking on the core role of the compliance and regulatory services branch.\
“Feedback on information around the Bus Operator Accreditation Scheme, industry trends and key areas of improvement were valuable information for operators to consider,” Ms Bailey said.
BusNSW Executive Director Matt Threlkeld said working closely with NSW transport regulators provides the industry the opportunity to ensure we continue to deliver safe and efficient passenger services.
“The work involves jointly analysing performance data to determine training and education needs for bus operators and employees” Mr Threlkeld said.
The BusNSW conference was one of five meetings carried out by Transport for NSW with industry stakeholders in July, including the Bus Industry Working Group and two workshops with freight companies.
“Transport for NSW is always looking for ways to engage with industry around compliance to help raise awareness of safety issues and ensure all road users are as safe as possible on our roads,” Mrs Bailey concluded.