Commercial vehicles are high on the agenda at electric vehicle leader Tesla, with CEO Elon Musk confirming over social media platform Twitter that its truck will be unveiled to the world in September.
Musk also announced that its electric ute would follow the truck by 18-24 months.
“Tesla Semi truck unveil set for September. Team has done an amazing job. Seriously next level,” read Musk’s tweet, with the follow up saying, “Pickup truck unveil in 18 to 24 months.”
The Tesla semi will reduce the cost of cargo transportation, as well as increase driver safety, according to Musk. In its 2016 Q2 earnings report, he said the Tesla Semi and a Model X-based Tesla minibus would be unveiled in 2017, part of the company’s overall goal to “expand to cover the major forms of terrestrial transport.”
A number of companies are pouring resources into electric truck development including The Nikola Motor Company, which unveiled its gas and electric powered big rig last year with an estimated range of 1,920 miles and Mercedes-Benz with the Urban eTruck.