Scania Australia has won a major bioenergy award, recognising the company’s long held commitment to using bio fuels in its heavy commercial vehicles.
The company has been awarded the 2019 Bioenergy Australia Corporate Leadership Award.
The judges commented that Scania Australia has made significant strides to deliver economically viable, alternative and renewable fuel solutions for the benefits of its customers.
Scania Australia has signed MOUs with Wilmar Bioethanol Australia, Ecotech Biodiesel, the ENGV Group, Just Biodiesel and Refuelling Solutions, as the first steps in their programme to import, distribute, sell, service and maintain vehicles that run on alternative fuels, or hybrids that run on alternative fuels as well.
The jury commend Scania’s leadership in Australia and commitment to drive cleaner transport solutions across the board.
“We are very pleased to have been recognised by Bioenergy Australia for our efforts to bring cleaner, alternative fuels to the fore in Australia and will be continuing our efforts in this regard,” said Anthony King, Scania Australia Sustainable Solutions Manager.