The NHVR has issued a general reminder to the truck industry that there is only four weeks left for the heavy vehicle industry to apply for crucial project funding .
The Australian Government is provide approximately $4 million towards Round 8 of the HVSI, to support tangible, implementable industry-led heavy vehicle safety projects that address an existing issue for the transport and logistics sector and all road users.
The NHVR has reminded potential applicants that submissions close at 5pm AEST on Monday 20 February and that more information on the HVSI program, including the submission process and eligibility is available on line at www.nhvr.gov.au/hvsi.
Federal infrastructure, transport, regional development and local government minister Catherine King said that the Australian Government’s contribution to the latest round of HVSI funding is a golden ticket opportunity for the heavy vehicle industry and its supply chains to improve road safety at the coalface.
“Ideas for project topics include driver or supply chain skills and training, vehicle safety technologies and improvements, or heavy vehicle educational tools and resources,” said Minister King.
“A new year is the perfect time to reflect and look at how we can improve day-to-day operations and safety on our roads,” she added.
Meanwhile assistant minister for infrastructure and transport Senator Carol Brown said the Government has invested more than $33 million across 132 HVSI projects since the grants program commenced in 2016.
“Project submissions are open to councils, industry and the community to contribute directly towards the themes of safer drivers, safer vehicles or safer road use,” said Senator Brown.
The NHVR Chief Executive Officer Sal Petroccitto said that the HVSI grants enable industry to spearhead their own safety project and establish their position as leaders in the field for heavy vehicle safety.