Paccar Parts has announced it will showcase an interactive experience for Kenworth fans and owners at its upcoming Brisbane Truck Show stand in May allowing people to customise their own virtual T6120 SAR in real-time using the company’s T610 SAR Accessories configurator.
The company has announced it will also showcase a selection of its range at what it is calling the Paccar World stand at the Brisbane Truck Show.
“We’ve assembled and rendered the original CAD drawings of the T610 SAR to create
an interactive,” said Anthony Kwan, marketing manager for Paccar Parts.
“The final result is a T610 Accessory configurator that allows you to pick your cab option, colour your truck and fit it out with all the latest chrome accessories currently available through PACCAR Parts”.
Customers will be able to share their custom designed truck with friends via social media, and email themselves a copy. The Accessory configurator will be on display at Paccar World.
The stand will also showcase a selection of products from TRP, the company’s parts and accessories arm selling parts designed for all makes of trucks and trailers with a focus on American and European drivelines. .
As an added benefit to drivers of used Kenworth trucks, Paccar Parts is saying it has created a “Register your Rig” program giving drivers of used Kenworths the opportunity to register details with Paccar Parts. When a driver of a pre-owned Kenworth registers, they will receive a limited edition gift on the day.
Paccar World, will also boast an extensive merchandise store, where attendees will be able purchase their favourite Kenworth and DAF branded merchandise.