Just when your brain was getting used to the strange marriage of the Maritime Services Board and the Roads and Traffic Authority in what became the RMS, the names are set to change again with the NSW Parliament passing legislation to disolve the RMS and establish Transport for NSW as the new overarching body in the Premier state.
The RMS ceased to exist late last week as the parliament passed the Transport Administration Amendment Bill 2019 with the RMS functions transferred into Transport for NSW.
The government claims that the new integrated Transport for NSW structure will lead to better roads and services, but only time will tell if the change improves the lot of NSW road users or creates yet another unwieldy super bureacracy.
“With a single transport agency we will no longer have roads being built in one corner and transport delivered in another, without anybody talking to each other,” according to Minister for Transport and Roads Andrew Constance.
“These changes will better serve our community with a new fit-for-purpose, ready-to-respond transport agency,” he said.
“With $55.6 billion being invested in transport and roads infrastructure over the next four years, an integrated transport agency that meets the needs of the community is vital.”
Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Paul Toole added that in his opinion the changes will strengthen the NSW Government’s focus on delivering integrated transport solutions across the entire state.
“We know how important transport is to our regional and rural communities,” he said.
“Transport for NSW is now better placed to plan and deliver roads, transport, and freight movements across the regions to support communities, create jobs and drive economic growth. This re-organisation is not about cuts, we have given a solid commitment that there will be no job losses in regional NSW.”
The passing of the Bill formalises the long-anticipated changes and provides, according to the Government, clarity and certainty for staff and businesses that previously interacted with RMS.
Up to 25 senior level management roles are expected to be vacated as part of the restructure.