Operators will have a more streamlined way of checking their driver’s licences with a new online system launched by NSW minister for roads, Duncan Gay.
The new system will allow companies to check up to 1,000 licences and demerit point statuses at one time, rather than individually.
Drivers are also able to consent to a 12-month period for checks, instead of being required to give permission every time a check is conducted.
According to Gay, the new system bring to increases in productivity for operators by slashing administration time, and will lead to improvements in road safety.
“The current rollout is the first in a multi-stage approach to improve real time information flow from the road back to the depot. Upcoming rollouts include sending alerts to operators within 24 hours of a vehicle receiving a defect notice, enabling operators to get defects fixed sooner,” Gay said.
“Medium to large trucking operators can have dozens if not hundreds of drivers under their employ making it very challenging to monitor the status of each licence each day – the new system will cut hours off this administrative requirement every week.”
“The program is also critical to better helping trucking operators manage their duties under chain of responsibility law – which covers mass, load restraint, dimension, fatigue and speed offences.”
The new system has been praised by the industry, with the president of the Livestock and Bulk Carriers Association of NSW, Lynley Miners saying safety is the ultimate winner.
“The NSW Government just keep delivering. A logical, simple to use and efficient system that helps us to manage our chain of responsibility obligations is great news and a welcomed tool to assist operators to improve overall road safety,” Miners said.
Meanwhile the managing director of the Australian Logistics Council, Michael Kilgariff is calling on other states to follow NSW’s lead.
“The ALC would encourage other jurisdictions which have yet to reform their licence checking arrangements to implement similar measures so we have a national approach,” Kilgariff said.
“The changes announced today by Minister Gay in regards to ‘real-time’ demerit point status will ease the administrative burden on many transport operators and will help strengthen heavy vehicle safety.
“Having seamless regulatory arrangements for such things as licence checking is needed to drive both productivity and safety outcomes, and is critical to underpinning the efficient movement of freight across state borders.”
The new driver check system can be accessed by visiting: https://myrta.com/tpe/