The NHVR says it welcomes the announcement that former NSW Police minister David Elliott has been appointed as NSW minister for transport, as well as the elevation of Natalie Ward to minister for Metropolitan Roads and Sam Farraway as NSW minister for Regional Transport and Roads.
NHVR Chair Duncan Gay said the NHVR had a close working relationship with the NSW Government and Transport for NSW in pursuing strong road safety and productivity reform outcomes.
“On behalf of the NHVR staff and Board, I welcome David, Natalie and Sam and congratulate them on their appointments,” Mr Gay said.
“With a number of important strategic reform agendas underway, we look forward to continuing to work with the new ministers to deliver genuine positive outcomes for the road transport sector and all road users.”
Mr Gay thanked outgoing NSW transport Ministers Paul Toole and Andrew Constance for their leadership and support.
“We have appreciated working with Paul and Andrew who have showed a great commitment to achieve improved road and infrastructure results.
“I would also like to congratulate Paul for his appointment to Minister for Police, where we’ll continue to work closely on a number of important heavy vehicle initiatives across NSW.”