The NHVR has revealed that it is committed to the safety of heavy vehicle operators on and off the road and that starting the 2nd December it will be introducing multi-factor authentication on its NHVR Portal in order to protect customer data.
The NHVR says the multi-factor authentication is a two-step verification process that will be required for accessing online accounts and is regarded as one of the most effective preventions against cyber criminals.
NHVR chief technology officer, Geoff Mitchell said portal users will have time to transition to multi-factor authentication and several verification options will be available.
“We are committed to protecting our customer data in the Portal, which is a critical business hub for industry and road managers,” Mitchell said.
“While passwords offer some restriction to account access, they are no longer enough to ensure protected data privacy.
“Portal customers will be able to set up their verification by receiving a code through SMS, phone call back service or email.
“Customers are encouraged to take up this offering from December with existing Portal customers having the ability to transition until 1 March 2025.
“Most people would be familiar with multi-factor authentication, generally used for online services such as mobile banking or social media accounts.”
For more information, frequently asked questions are available on the NHVR website: https://www.nhvr.gov.au/about-us/nhvr-portal/multi-factor-authentication-mfa-faqs
Portal users can seek support by contacting the NHVR on 13NHVR (13 64 87) or emailing info@nhvr.gov.au