The NHVR has revealed that four new Performance Based Standards (PBS) combinations are now eligible to operate in Victoria under the National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice 2022 (No.3).
These new vehicles include B-triples general freight, B-triples volumetric, AB-triples general freight and AB-triples volumetric.
NHVR CEO Sal Petroccitto said that, since the notice was introduced in Victoria and New South Wales, it had replaced thousands of Class 2 permits, saving administrative time and cost and improving productivity.
“In Victoria, this notice has streamlined access for most of the 1,500 PBS vehicles that meet the requirements to run on the state’s 8,000 kilometre High Productivity Freight Vehicle Network,” Petroccitto said.
“The release of the NHVR National Map in the new year will continue to support improved efficiencies and get safer and more productive vehicles on the roads sooner, including the ability for road managers to update gazetted networks in real time.
“The new map will remove the need for industry to access multiple state and territory maps when planning their journeys and access requirements, with end-to-end and cross-border networks displayed in one location.”
For more information about the National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice 2022 (No.3), read the Operator’s Guide.
For more information about the NHVR’s National Spatial Program, visit https://www.nhvr.gov.au/road-access/route-planner/national-spatial-program