Leading truck insurer, NTI has teamed up with Australian poet Rupert McCall to launch a national campaign to thank truck drivers, cargo and warehouse personnel, construction workers and all those keeping Australiamoving during the coronavirus crisis.
NTI Ltd has teamed up with legendary poet Rupert McCall to thank all transport and logistics workers for ensuring groceries and medical supplies are delivered during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Rupert McCall is renowned internationally for his poems which in the past have paid tribute to Australia’s soldiers and the New York fire department for its response to the 9/11 tragedy. Now, NTI has partnered with Mr McCall to pen five short poems for its “Thank you” campaign.
Mr McCall said he was honoured to take on this project to say thanks for the vital work of those in Australia’s transport and logistics industries.
“I’ve got a lot of respect for our truckies and the job that they do day in and day out,” Mr McCall said. “Especially in recent times, we’ve seen them continue their work driving through fires, around floods and all through this pandemic.”
One of the campaign’s poems reads:
“The sacred smell of diesel, tarmac grease and pumped-up tires, No virus gonnastop this fleet! They drove through summer fires, Destination: frontline. Wedemand ‘n’ they supply,
To the trucks that keep us moving. We say thanks from NTI.”
NTI CEO Tony Clark said the campaign also features billboards with images of truckies, port, construction andwarehouse workers accompanied by a message that reads “Thanks for keeping Australia moving”. These will alsoappear as posters at truck rest stops.
“This campaign is all about showing respect and gratitude,” Mr Clark said.
“These are the people who work tirelessly every day to ensure Australians get what they need. We’ve seen an amazing response from these workers during the COVID-19 crisis and it’s now more than ever we can see how vital their work is.
“NTI is proud to be part of this industry and this campaign goes a little way to expressing that. It’s also about reminding Australians of those who work behind the scenes for the benefit of us all.”