Isuzu has announced it has decided to withdraw from the 2021 Brisbane Truck Show joining Volvo/Mack, Scania and Cummins as intended no shows at the biennial truck expo in the Queensland capital.
Isuzu said that its directors, executives and leadership team had “weighed the balance between the health and welfare of company staff and the ongoing risk of the foreseeable recurrence of state-based border closures and snap lockdowns, against the benefits of attending the show”.
“IAL recognises that event organisers are confident that the show will proceed, and the company wishes the event every success for 2021’” its statement said.
Isuzu Austalian boss, Andrew Harbison, said the company held off making the decision not to attend for as long as possible.
“At the end of 2020 we held high hopes and confidence the new year would bring a very different outlook than last year. However, we have already endured snap-lock downs and numerous border closures,” Mr Harbison said.
“We wanted to ensure that we were acting on the most up to date information and have been constantly monitoring the outlook and viability of attending this year’s show for IAL and our people.
“While the current situation with COVID and the commencement of the vaccination program is positive; given that IAL is based in Melbourne and the responsibility to our staff and the level of commitment we make when attending events such as the Brisbane Truck Show, we have decided that unfortunately we cannot exhibit this year,” Mr Harbison said.
“The Brisbane Truck Show is an important event for the road transport industry and all participants and Isuzu has been a supporter for many years,” the statement continued.
Isuzu said it will continue with its sponsorship of the Truck Apprentice Challenge at the 2021 event and will support the challenge with local field staff.