Mit dem Mercedes-Benz GenH2 Truck präsentiert Daimler Trucks sein Konzept für ein brennstoffzellenbetriebenes Langstreckenfahrzeug für flexible und anspruchsvolle Einsätze mit Blick auf Strecken, Entfernungen und Nutzlast. Start der Serienproduktion ist für die zweite Hälfte der 2020er Jahre geplant. With the Mercedes-Benz GenH2 Truck Daimler Trucks presents its concept for a fuel cell powered long-haul vehicle for flexible and demanding operations in terms of routes, distances and payload. Series production start of the GenH2 truck is planned for the second half of the 2020s.

Cellcentric, the joint venture fuel cell company established by Daimler and Volvo Group and with  both European and Canadian roots,  has announced a NextGen fuel cell system, which it says  is tailor-made for sustainable hydrogen-powered long-haul trucks.

The company revealed the information at a recent truck expo in Las Vegas and claims that thanks to a highly integrated single system package solution the fuel cell will boast  a net output of more than 350 kW while maintaining a low overall weight.

It said that the NextGen system achieves the performance characteristics of comparable long-haul conventional heavy-duty trucks while reducing fuel consumption by 20 per cent, compared to the current generation BZA150 fuel cell generation.

The company said that this is also enabled by a power density increase of 30 per cent compared to the current generation,

Cellcentric added that the system design enables a 40 per cent reduction in waste heat at peak load, lowering cooling requirements for the truck, while saying that the NextGen’s lifecycle will deliver around 25,000 operating hours, characterised by a high degree of sustainability beyond its useful life.

“Our NextGen fuel cell system takes heavy-duty zero-emission transportation capability to a new level,” said Nicholas Loughlan, chief technology officer of Cellcentric.

“The performance features are tailored to meet the high demands of heavy-duty long-haul truck transport, which is highly sensitive to the total cost of ownership, in all aspects — but above all in fuel efficiency — without compromising on range, durability, or reliability,” Loughlan added.