Intermodal logistics provider, Toll Global Express, has announced it is going to change its name, possibly to distance itself from its former parent company. the toll Group, which has had a chequered past in recent times, including the disastrous acquisition of it by Japan Post and allegations of widespread corruption and mismanagement.
Now under the stewardship of former Australia Post chief Christine Holgate the Global Express operation has revealed it is going to tweak the name and call itself Team Global Logistics which it says ‘reflects the passion, commitment and integrity of its people’.
“Almost a year ago, we embarked on our journey to transform the way we deliver for our customers,” said Team Global Express CEO, Christine Holgate.
“One element of this transformation is our name change to Team Global Express, which reflects our heritage, culture, and commitment to deliver trusted and reliable services for our customers.
“Our business has a deep history serving customers, but it is the passion, dedication, and integrity of our team that we wanted to harness for our new brand.
“We will be gradually rolling out the new brand across our digital assets, website, uniform, and fleet from September.”
Allegro Funds completed its acquisition of Toll Global Express from Japan Post earlier this year,