The announcement of the Labor Party’s Powering Australia program has brought praise from the The Electric Vehicle Council which has welcomed the Opposition’s plan to accelerate the take up of electric vehicles.
Labor’s policy includes a National Electric Vehicle Strategy and the introduction of an electric vehicle discount.
EVC chief executive Behyad Jafari said its great to see a political party recognise the massive opportunity electric vehicles present for Australia.
“Labor’s plan for a National Electric Vehicle Policy is well overdue for Australia; the Electric Vehicle Council is ready and eager to support its development,” Jafari said.
“Working with industry will be critical in creating a plan that maximises the enormous benefits of electric vehicles.
“Australia should be building batteries and electric vehicles, but we have so far been let down by a lack of ambition at a federal level.
“Left unchecked, these manufacturing opportunities and their associated jobs will go elsewhere.
“It’s a welcome development to see the debate now shifting to how to embrace the future of electric vehicles in Australia.
“Making it easier for Australians to make the switch through discounts will help us catch up to the rest of the world.
“Labor’s policy, if implemented, will make Australia’s streets cleaner and quieter, lower health costs, reduce carbon emissions and break our dependence on foreign oil.”