Driver training provider DECA has joined the Australian Trucking Association as an associate member, strengthening the relationship between the industry body and the training arm of Wodonga Institute of TAFE.
According to ATA Chair Noelene Watson, DECA is a perfect fit for the industry body’s vision of a safe, professional and viable trucking sector.
“The addition of a leading provider of training and driver education in DECA to the ATA is a real win for our combined commitment to a safe and professional industry,” Watson said.
“With its focus on driver education and training, DECA fits firmly within the ATA’s vision for a safe and professional industry, and they’ll bring significant value to the wider ATA family and industry as we pursue improved driver training, assessment and safer roads.”
DECA’s associate membership of the ATA will build on its existing strong relationship in encouraging excellence in safety and training in the trucking industry.
“DECA is the current sponsor of the ATA’s Training Excellence Award, which seeks to encourage transport operators to take considered pro-active action to improve their organisation’s training strategy and to improve their safety culture,” Watson added.
Wodonga Institute of TAFE CEO, Mark Dixon says the membership will lead to collaboration between DECA and the ATA.
“We are delighted with the associate membership DECA now has in the ATA as the logical progression of our close relationship. Membership will furnish opportunity for more collaboration and serve to combine the specialist skills and influence of both organisations,” Dixon said.
“DECA’s goals align with those of the ATA seeking safer roads, improved efficiency and the increased esteem for drivers and operators consistent with the road transport industry’s’ vital importance to the Australian economy,” he added.
DECA will be able to participate in development of policy and internal committees of the ATA General Council as an associate member.