A number of leading bus operators have introduced another layer of safety checks for drivers amid the ongoing Covid crisis, employing a cloud based system to instantly detect and read the body temperature of drivers as they pass by a detection post when clocking on for work each day.
The Smart Thermal Detector uses thermal, infrared, environment temperature and Artificial Intelligence features to measure driver’s body in just one second, eliminating human input and error with high levels of privacy.
Leading bus operators Premier Motor Service based on the NSW South Coast and Interline Bus Service in Sydney’s South West have employed the Smart Thermal Detector system, to provide the added safety elements in their Covid checking protocols.
The system checks employees temperature as they pass by the sensor and it will then trigger the system alert automatically if the person’s body temperature exceeds the temperature threshold it is set at.
The system is connected to the internet and linked to the Cloud with encrypted information making it easy for organisations to record, analyse and track statistics and temperature measurements for compliance requirement.
The Smart Thermal Detector is being distributed in Australia by Bob Barwick of Angel Tracks.
“We saw an opportunity with this Smart Thermal Detector to give bus operators an effective and safe away to test driver’s temperatures and to perhaps potentially prevent Covid being accidentally spread through the community,” said Barwick.
CEO of Interline, Joe Oliveri told T&B News that he had installed one of the Smart Thermal Detector systems in his Macquarie Fields depot as an added level of Covid security to help identify potential issues with drivers.
“We have the Smart Thermal device located next to the driver’s login post so that while they are swiping in for their shift the machine scans their temperature and will identify if they have an elevated temperature,” said Joe Oliveri.
“It’s not our only check system, our drivers are being Covid tested every 72 hours, but the Smart Thermal system is a fall back system that may pick up early symptoms so that we can get a driver tested again before they are in a position to infect others,” he said.
“So far the system is working very well, and it is easy and simple for all involved,” he added.
John King from Premier Motor Service said the Smart Thermal system has been installed at the company’s Unanderra depot for the two weeks, and added that it has been a huge benefit in helping to keep drivers and passengers safe.
“It’s been a huge benefit in that it has eliminated another layer of human interaction, which not only makes it safer, but it also means we are tying up less resources,” said John King.
“Until we installed the Smart Thermal Detection system we had to complete the daily temp checks manually, which meant we had to have a staff member physically there taking driver’s temperatures, putting them in potential danger,” he said.
“Now as the drivers sign on in the morning they pass the Smart Thermal Detector which senses their temp and gives a big green tick on the screen if they are OK, or if not it sounds an alarm which also sounds in our On Time Running control room and they send the driver for further tests,” King added.
While the Smart Thermal system has been operating only at the Unanderra operation King says that Premier is looking to install a system at all of its 12 bus depots.