Sydney transport operator , the Baker Group has celebrated 40 years in operation by taking delivery of two of Mack’s 100 Years Limited Edition commemorative trucks.
Ted Baker started Baker Group in 1980 as a landscape supply business delivering sand, soil and gravel withone truck while a move into excavation projects in the 1990s led to rapid expansion, and Ted’s fleet soonfound itself hauling away the fill from the massive infrastructure projects that have transformed Sydney, suchas the M4 and M5 motorway tunnels, the North-West rail link, and now the metro rail tunnel under SydneyHarbour.
Mack has been their truck of choice for decades, and Ted explains that there are many reasons for this.
“The Mack people are really professional, whether it’s in sales or service,” says Ted, “they’ve taken the time to genuinely learn about and understand our business, and the trucks they’ve recommended for our operation aretechnologically advanced and ideally suited for the work we do.”
The Baker fleet of 40 truck and dog trailers features 25 Mack trucks, including 12 Tridents, a Super- Liner and sixCH models. The trucks work all over the Sydney region, hauling fill from major excavation projects anddelivering it to tips and to large subdivisions where it’s needed in construction.
Ted points out that the sophisticated technology in the latest Mack trucks was a critical aspect of their decision, asboth clients and governments are expecting more modern trucks with better safety features.
“We needed trucks that could meet the specifications of the SPECTS scheme in New South Wales. It’s overand above the usual PBS requirements, so we can carry heavier payloads on more routes than we might otherwisebe allowed to.
“The Mack sales team did a lot more than just sell us some trucks. They knew that SPECTS was a key need for us,and by enabling us to meet the requirements we were one of the first companies in the scheme. Now we havefifteen trucks meeting the specification.”
Ted notes that there’s more to it than just payloads, as safety is a fundamental requirement.
“To justify carrying the bigger payloads you need to demonstrate more sophisticated safety features,” says Ted,“Mack were able to meet all of our requirements—anti-roll, anti-collision— you name it. This improves safety and reduces traffic and emissions, so it’s a win for everyone. Now we’re able to have conversations with the councilsabout opening up more routes, so we can reduce the impact on local traffic.”
The one hundred limited edition trucks Mack Trucks is producing commemorate 100 years of Mack trucks inAustralia, since the first AC model arrived here in 1919 at the end of the First World War. Each one is individuallynumbered and finished with unique 100-years identification insignia and luxury fittings inside and out. Ted’s decisionto buy two 100 Years Limited Edition Tridents came when he attended the launch of the commemorative trucks atthe Brisbane Truck Show in 2019.
“Mack invited me along and I liked the sound of it, so I put my hand up for two trucks: numbers
1 and 3,” says Ted, “they asked me for two unique years, so one truck has the year 1980, which is the year wefounded the company, and other one has my birthday.
“We started out in 1980 with second-hand trucks like everyone does,” says Ted, “and my first Mack was the firstbrand-new truck I’d ever bought. I find it hard to sell anything, so we keep them going as long as we can.”
With his own workshop, HVIS station and spare parts business, Ted keeps his Mack trucks in perfect working order,and it clearly pays off, as his business has grown and continues to grow, with his two sons and his daughter nowworking full-time in the business alongside him.
“Our relationship with Mack has just grown stronger and stronger over the years,” says Ted, “they’re providingnot just trucks, but insights and technologies that help keep us ahead of the game. Having the opportunity to buy these two 100 Years Limited Edition trucks from Mack was a bonus, and has been a real pleasure for me.”
Dean Bestwick, vice president of sales Mack Australia, said that the he Baker Group is a perfect example of the kind of long-term partnership we look to build.
“Our aim is to understand what makes our customers tick and provide a total solution for them, and we’re proud tohave been a part of the Baker Group’s success over 40 years of continuous operation. It’s a big milestone for them,and there’s no better way to commemorate their success than with these unique 100-year Limited Edition CentenaryTrucks,” Bestwick said.