TRP Parts

Transport & Trucking Australia

Published bi-monthly since 1997, Transport & Trucking Australia covers a wide range of issues relevant to the truck and road transport industry and is targeted at fleet owners, managers, service managers and has wide appeal to owner/driver.

Transport & Trucking Australia caters to all weight categories; light commercial vehicles, light duty, medium duty and heavy-duty trucks and roadtrains. Engines, drivelines, bodies, trailers and material handling are also addressed plus relevant industry and government issues. Transport & Trucking Australia is printed on high quality coated stock with a cello-glazed cover. The all-colour format provides readers with a bright, colourful and informative publication.

Transport & Trucking Australia also includes a dedicated light commercial vehicle section aimed to inform owners and prospective owners of the latest in utes and vans that are destined to be used for work purposes as well as the sports and performance market. The final delivery is seldom performed by a B-Double so this industry segment is crucial to presenting the full vista of the road freight task in Australia.

Coach & Bus Australia

Launched in late 2011 Coach & Bus focuses on the product, the technology and the people responsible for today’s modern coaches and buses. It has brought a new dimension to the industry, with strong, contemporary layouts and design, professional photography and high quality journalism.

Coach & Bus is directly distributed to fleet owners, individual operators, resorts, mining industry decision makers, licensed premises, educational institutions, sports clubs and community organisations. Plus fleet and service managers and local, state and federal government departments including relevant state and territory transport ministers and senior public servants.

Contributing writers and photographers:

Transport & Trucking Australia and Coach & Bus are produced by Grayhaze Pty Ltd.,  ABN 49 108 979 086